Upcoming Event: Managing Diversity in Agroecological and Permaculture Systems

Upcoming Event: Managing Diversity in Agroecological and Permaculture Systems

Four members of the trAEce project team will participate in an evening roundtable discussion at Central European University in Budapest as part of the annual local food forum organized by the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy and Sustainable CEU. The event will allow students and participants to meet with researchers and practitioners from the trAEce team to discuss diversity at all stages of the agroecology food chain and across scales. Speakers will share their innovative practices, challenges they face, and visions for the future. The discussion will also offer the opportunity to learn more about the trAEce project, permaculture in practice, community supported agricultural (CSA) systems, and participatory research approaches for spreading best practices in Agroecology. The panel guests will offer guidance for students and researchers interested in collaborating directly with practicing agriculturists. 

To register for the event please send an email to Guntra Aistara: AistaraG@ceu.edu